24 sept 2021 – In Redemption, Jesus covered us with Beauty.

“My son, my daughter,

With my Wounds I covered their deformities,
–  rendering them more beautiful than before.

And if, in creating them, I made them like clearest and noble heavens,
in Redemption I adorned them,
– studding them with the most refulgent stars of my Wounds
so as to cover their ugliness and make them more beautiful.

To their wounds and deformities
I attached the diamonds, the pearls, the jewels of my Pains
– in order to hide all their evils and clothe them with such magnificence
as to surpass their state of origin.

Therefore, it is with reason that the Church says, ‘Fortunate fall’.
Because with sin came Redemption. And my Humanity
not only nourished them with Its Blood,
but clothed them with Its own Person, and adorned them with Its own Beauty.”(…)

“ In Redemption, Jesus covered us with Beauty.” – BOH 14

23th of sept 2021 – Effects of the Word and of the Gaze of Jesus.

“My son, my daughter,

(…)Each word is one more union, one more closeness,
and as the soul feels looked upon, Grace begins its crafting.

If the gaze or word was sweet and benign,  she says:
‘How beautiful, penetrating, gentle, melodious it was!
How not to love Him?’

If then it was a majestic Gaze or Word, blazing with Light,

she says:
What Majesty, what Greatness, what penetrating Light!
How small I feel! How miserable I am!
How much darkness in me before that light so blazing!’

If I wanted to tell you of the Power, the Grace,
the Good which my Word or Gaze brings,
how many books would I make you write.”

“Effects of the Word and of the Gaze of Jesus.” – BOH 14

22 sept 2021 – To live in my Will is to reign.

“My daughter, my son,
they do not want to understand.

To live in my Will is to reign.
To do my Will is to be submitted to my orders.
The first state is to possess.
The second is to receive my orders and execute them.

To live in my Will
– is to make my Will one’s own, as one’s own thing,
– it is to dispose of It.
To do my Will
is to hold It  as Will of God,
– not as one’s own thing,
– nor can one dispose of It as one wants.

To live in my Will is to live with one single Will
– that of God
And since
– It is a Will all holy, all pure, all peace, and
– it is one single Will that reigns,
there are no contrasts – everything is peace.”(…)

“to live in my Will is to reign” – BOH 17

21 sept 2021 – It is natural that the little light receives the reflections of my Light

My son, my daughter,

“See then, what great evil sin is:  it is for man
– to lose his round around His Creator,  to annul the purpose of his creation,
– to be transformed from light into darkness, from beautiful into ugly.

It is such a great evil, that with all my Redemption I could not restore in him the eyes to be able to see my Divinity in his mortal flesh, but only when this flesh, undone and pulverized by death, would rise again on the day of judgment. (…)

Now, because of original sin, man lost his round around His Creator
And therefore he lost order, dominion of himself, light.  (…)

But do you know who is it that never stops in her round?
The soul who does my Will and lives in It. She always runs, she never stops.

And she receives  all the reflections of my Humanity,
– and  also the flashes of light of my Divinity.”

“it is natural that the little light receives the reflections of my Light”
– BOH 16

20th of sept 2021 – Jesus wants His Will to be done, to be able to give of his Own.

“My daughter, my son,

my love, my supreme goodness, is so great,
that every time the creature does my Will and operates
because I want it, I give her of my own.

And in order to always give her of my own, I want her to do my Will

As for my Glory, then, it is my same glory that I receive through
the works of the creature who does my Will.

It is a glory which descends from Heaven and rises again straight
to the foot of my Throne,
multiplied by the Divine Will exercised by the creature.

When the creature operates to do my Will,  by giving her of my Own,
together with that work
I place my Sanctity, my Power and Wisdom, the Beauty of my Works,
an incalculable and infinite Value.” (…)

“Jesus wants to give of his Own. – BOH 16

19 sept 2021 – The beauty of littleness

My son, my daughter,

“badness cannot enter the true little ones.
Do you know when evil, when growth begins to enter?
When one’s own will begins to enter.

As it enters, the creature begins to fill herself and to live of herself
The All goes out of the littleness of the creature, and it seems to her
that her littleness becomes greater – but, greatness to be cried over.

Since God does not live completely in her,
– she moves away from her beginning,
– she dishonors her origin,
– she  loses the light, the beauty, the sanctity, the freshness of her Creator.

She seems to grow before herself and maybe before men
But before Me – oh, how she decreases!
She may even become great, but she will never be my beloved little one “(…)

“The beauty of littleness” – BOH 16

18 th of sept 2021 – The great miracle of making man return at his Origin

My son, my daughter,

“In fact, my Words  on the sanctity and power of my Fiat
will resurrect the souls to their origin.

They will heal them from leprosy produced by the human will.
They will give them the sight to be able to see the goods of the Kingdom
of my Will, –  because until now they have been like blind.
They will give a speech to many mute who, while they were able to say many other things,  – only for my Will they were like many mute without speech.

And then,  the great miracle of being able to give to each creature
a Divine Will
which contains all goods.

What will My Will not give them when It will be in possession
of the children of Its Kingdom? “(…)

“The great miracle of making man return at his Origin” – BOH 20

17th of september 2021 – To participate in the sorrows of our Queen Mama

My son, my daughter,

“Everyone can share in the merits and in the goods
produced by the sorrows of my Mother.

1. One who, in advance,
– places herself in the hands of Providence,
– offering herself to suffer any kind of pains, miseries, illnesses, calumnies, and everything which the Lord will dispose upon her, comes to participate in the first sorrow of the prophecy of Simeon.

2. One who actually finds herself amid sufferings, and is resigned,
– clings more tightly to Me and does not offend Me,
it is as if she were saving Me from the hands of Herod,
– keeping Me safe and sound within the Egypt of her heart.
And she participates in the second sorrow.

3. One who feels downhearted, dry and deprived of my Presence,
and remains yet firm and faithful to her usual practices….
– comes to participate in the merits and goods
which my Mother acquired when I was lost. ”
“To participate in the sorrows of our Queen Mama” – BOH 6

16th of september 2021 -The only relief that cheers Jesus is Love

The Blessed Virgin added:

“My daughter, (my son )

try to make up for everything by means of Love.
May you cherish
– one thing alone: to love,
– one thought alone, one word alone, one life alone: Love.

If you want to content and please Jesus,
–  love Him, and
–  give Him always the occasion to speak of Love.

This is the only relief that cheers Him:  Love.
Tell Him to speak to you of Love, and He will put Himself in feast.” (…)

“The only relief that cheers Jesus is Love” – BOH 10

15th september 2021 – My Mama is the Queen of Sorrows

“My son,  my daughter,

It were not the sorrows  that constituted my Mama as Queen
and that made Her shine with so much glory.
But it was my omnipotent Fiat,
which was braided to Her every act and sorrow,
 and constituted Itself life of each of Her sorrows.

So, my Fiat was the first Act that formed the sword,
–  giving Her the intensity of pain It wanted.

My Fiat could place all the sorrows It wanted in that pierced Heart,
adding piercings upon piercings, pains upon pains,
– without a shadow of the slightest resistance.

On the contrary, She felt honored that my Fiat
would constitute Itself  life of even a heartbeat of Hers.
And my Fiat gave Her complete glory and constituted Her
true and legitimate Queen.” (…)

“My Mama is the Queen of Sorrows” – BOH 15

14th of september 2021 – The Glorious Cross – Jesus was nailed on the Cross in the Will of the Father

“My daughter, my son,

– not only my hands and feet were nailed to the cross,
– but all the particles of my Humanity, Soul, and Divinity
were all nailed in the Will of the Father.

In fact, the crucifixion was the Will of the Father.
Therefore I was nailed and transmuted completely in His Will.
This was necessary because what is sin but withdrawing
– from the Will of God,
– from everything that is good and holy which God has given us,
believing to be something of one’s own, and offending the Creator?

And I, in order to repair for this audacity and for this self-idol
which  the creature makes of herself,
I wanted to dissolve my will completely
and live from the Will of the Father  at the cost of great sacrifice.”

“Jesus wanted to  live from the Will of the Father” – BOH 7

13th of september 2021 – “My Truths are full of Life”


“My daughter, my son,

my Words are full of Truths and of Light.
And they carry with them the substance and the virtue
of transforming the soul
– into truth itself, into light itself, and
– into the very good which they contain,

in such a way that the soul does not only know the Truth,
but she feels within her the substance of operating
– according to the Truth which she has known.

Further, my Truths are full of Beauty and Attraction,
in such a way that the soul, taken by their Beauty,
lets herself be enraptured by them.
In Me, everything is order, harmony, and beauty. (…)

The Truths that your Jesus tells you,
are full of Life and of all that my Truths contain. “


“my Truths are full of Life” – BOH 14

12 sept 2021 – “as he rebelled against my Will, so was hell created in him”

“My daughter, my son,

why do you fear?  Don’t you know that the thing which the infernal serpent knows the least about Me is my Will?

In fact, he did not want to do It.
And by not doing It,  he did not know It,  nor love It. (…)

And if he does not know them, how can he speak of them?  Even more,
the thing that he abhors the most is that the creature does my Will. 

He does not care about whether the soul  prays, goes  to Confession,
–  receives Communion,   does penance or performs miracles

But the thing that harms him the most is that the soul does my Will.
In fact, as he rebelled against my Will, so was hell created in him
– his unhappy state, the rage that consumes him. ” (…)

“as he rebelled against my Will, so was hell created in him” – BOH 16

31th of August 2021 – “I am clothing you with my Innocence”

“My daughter,  my son,

all your pleasure must be in reflecting yourself in Me.
If you do this always, you will portray
–  all of my qualities,  my physiognomy and
– my very features within yourself
And I, in return, will find all my taste and highest contentment
in delighting in reflecting Myself in you.” (…)

Luisa : ‘Oh! God, am I an object fit for letting You take delight,
or for embittering You?’
In  the meantime, our dear Queen Mama came to my help.

Carrying a pure white garment in Her hands, and all-loving,
she told me : “Daughter, do not fear.  I Myself want
to make up for you by clothing you with my innocence,

so that, in reflecting Himself in you, my Son may find
the greatest delight that can be found in a human creature.”

“I am clothing you with my Innocence”- BOH 3

30 th August 2021 – The Most Holy Virgin is a portent of grace

“My daughter,
the delights and the graces that I poured into my Mother
were such and so many, that it is enough to tell you that
what I am by nature, our Mother became by grace.

More so,
– since She had no sin, and therefore
– my grace was able to flow freely within Her,
there is nothing of my Being which I did not give to Her.” (…)

Luisa said to Jesus:  ‘My dear Good, our Mother had so much Good
because You let Yourself be seen intuitively.
I would like to know:  how do You show Yourself to me – by abstractive
or by intuitive sight?  Who knows whether it is even abstractive at all.’

Jesus : I want to make you understand the difference between both : 
In the abstractive , the soul contemplates God, while
in the intuitive,  she enters into Him and obtains graces – that is,
–  she receives within her the participation in the Divine Being.” (…)

“The Most Holy Virgin is a portent of grace”- BOH 2

29th of August 2021 – Our Queen Mama asks Jesus to spare the people


our Queen Mama, who was saying to Jesus:

“My Son, this soul will always be ready to do and to suffer
whatever We want,
and this is like a bond that binds Our Justice.
Therefore, spare so many slaughters and so much blood
which is to be shed by the people.” (…)

“See, my Son, We have a third party, the confessor, who wants
– to unite with Us and to offer his work by committing himself
to concur in order to make her suffer, to satisfy divine Justice.
This too, is like rendering the rope stronger,
which binds You in order to placate You.

Besides, when have You ever resisted the strength of the unions
– of one who suffers and prays, and
– one who concurs with You for the sole purpose of glorifying You
and for the good of the people.” (…)

“Our Queen Mama asks Jesus to spare the people”- BOH4

28 August 2021 – Come and rest in my bosom

My son,  my daughter,

do you know when the creature rests in Me, and I in her?

When her intelligence thinks of Me and comprehends Me,
–  she rests in the intelligence of her Creator, and
–  that of the Creator finds rest in the created mind.

When the human will unites with the Divine Will,
– the two wills embrace and rest together.

If human love rises above all created things and loves only its God
– what a beautiful rest do God and the creature find reciprocally!

One who gives rest finds it.  I become her bed
And keep her in the sweetest sleep, clasped in my arms.

Therefore, come and rest in my bosom.”

“Come and rest in my bosom”- BOH 14

26 th of August 2021 – To watch over the storms which will arise.

“My daughter, my son,

one who lives in my Will lives on a high place.
And one who lives in a high place can look down below with more clarity.
She has to take part in the decisions, in the afflictions, and in everything which befits persons who live in a high place. Don’t you see this in the world?  (…)

One who lives in my Will, living in a high place,  must
– bear the pains of those who live down below,
– see their dangers,  help them,
– take such serious decisions as to make one tremble,
while they remain tranquil.

Therefore, calm yourself.  We will have a communal life in my Will,
And together with Me, you will take part in the sufferings of the human family.

You will watch over the great storms which will arise. And while they play
in the midst of danger,  you will cry with Me over their misfortune.”

“You will watch over the storms which will arise” –  BOH 12

25th of August 2021 – My Mercy was softening, and my Justice was losing sharpness.

Luisa said to Jesus :

“My Love, in your Will I find all generations.
And in the name of the whole human family,
– adore You, I kiss You, I repair You for all.
I give your Wounds and your Blood to all,
– so that all may find their salvation.

And if the lost souls can no longer benefit
from your Most Holy Blood, nor love You,
I take It in their place,
in order to do what they should have done.

I do not want your love to remain defrauded
– in anything on the part of creatures.
I want to compensate, repair You, love You for all,
from the first to the last man.”

Jesus :  “My daughter, echo of my Life,
while you were praying,  my Mercy was softening,
and my Justice was losing sharpness

–  not only in the present time but also in the future.”(…)

“your prayer remain in act in my Will” –  BOH 12

24 th of August 2021 – The Fiat Mihi of my Mama marks everything

“My daughter, my son,

Redemption came out from the ‘Fiat Mihi’ of my dear Mama,
pronounced in my Volition
and carrying the same power of my Creative ‘Fiat.’

Therefore, there is nothing in Redemption that does not
contain the mark of the ‘Fiat Mihi’ of my Mama.

Even my very Humanity, my steps, words, and works
were marked by Her ‘Fiat Mihi.’
My pains, my wounds, my thorns, my Cross, my Blood,
had the mark of Her ‘Fiat Mihi’.

My origin in time was the ‘Fiat Mihi’ of the Immaculate Mama.
Therefore all of my works carry the mark of Her ‘Fiat Mihi’.
So, Her ‘Fiat Mihi’ is in each Sacramental Host. “(…)

“The Fiat Mihi of my Mama marks everything” –  BOH 12

23 August 2021 – I love You- I thank You- I bless You – I adore You for our Queen Mama

Luisa said to Jesus :

“My Jesus, while I am clinging to You,
I want to prove to You my love, my gratitude, and everything
– which the creature has the duty to do,
because You have created our Immaculate Queen Mama
– the most beautiful one, the holiest, a portent of grace,
enriching Her with all gifts, and making Her also our Mother.

And I do this in the name of creatures, past, present, and future.
I want to seize each act of creature
– each word, thought, heartbeat and step .
And I tell You, in each one of them,
that I love You, I thank You, I bless You, I adore You,
for all that You have done in your Celestial Mama and mine.” (…)

“I love You- I thank You- I bless You – I adore You for our Queen Mama” –  BOH 12

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