21 sept 2021 – It is natural that the little light receives the reflections of my Light

My son, my daughter,

“See then, what great evil sin is:  it is for man
– to lose his round around His Creator,  to annul the purpose of his creation,
– to be transformed from light into darkness, from beautiful into ugly.

It is such a great evil, that with all my Redemption I could not restore in him the eyes to be able to see my Divinity in his mortal flesh, but only when this flesh, undone and pulverized by death, would rise again on the day of judgment. (…)

Now, because of original sin, man lost his round around His Creator
And therefore he lost order, dominion of himself, light.  (…)

But do you know who is it that never stops in her round?
The soul who does my Will and lives in It. She always runs, she never stops.

And she receives  all the reflections of my Humanity,
– and  also the flashes of light of my Divinity.”

“it is natural that the little light receives the reflections of my Light”
– BOH 16

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