25th of August 2021 – My Mercy was softening, and my Justice was losing sharpness.

Luisa said to Jesus :

“My Love, in your Will I find all generations.
And in the name of the whole human family,
– adore You, I kiss You, I repair You for all.
I give your Wounds and your Blood to all,
– so that all may find their salvation.

And if the lost souls can no longer benefit
from your Most Holy Blood, nor love You,
I take It in their place,
in order to do what they should have done.

I do not want your love to remain defrauded
– in anything on the part of creatures.
I want to compensate, repair You, love You for all,
from the first to the last man.”

Jesus :  “My daughter, echo of my Life,
while you were praying,  my Mercy was softening,
and my Justice was losing sharpness

–  not only in the present time but also in the future.”(…)

“your prayer remain in act in my Will” –  BOH 12

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