28 oct 2021 – “Let me always find you in the Holy Will of my Son”

“My daughter,  my son,

place your little I love You’,  in all the Acts that pass between Me and my Son.
You must know that everything I did toward my Son,
I intended to do toward those souls who were to live in the Divine Will

Because, being in It, they would be disposed to receive all the acts I did toward Jesus. And I would find sufficient space in which to place them.

So, if I kissed my Son, I kissed them,
– because I found them together with Him in His Supreme Will.

They were the first to be as though lined up within Him.  And my maternal Love pushed Me to let them partake in everything I did to my Son. (…)

If you want Me to repeat for you what I did for my Son, let Me always find you in His Will. And I will be generous with my favors toward you.”

“Let me always find you in the Holy Will of my Son” – BOH 18 

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