14 oct 2021 – The Outpouring of Love between the Mother and the Son

“My daughter, my son,

(…) In fact, everything that was done by our Supreme Being
– was only an outpouring of Love.

In the Virgin Queen,
I centralized all the outpouring of Love that We had in Creation.

Because, as my Divine Will was in her, my Mother was able
– to receive, with my Kiss, such a great outpouring, and
– to return It to Me.

In fact, only the creature who lives in my Divine Will centralizes in her
– the continuous Act of the whole Creation, and
– the attitude to return It to God.

To the one who possesses my Divine Will
– I can give everything and she can give everything back to Me.”(…)

“The Outpouring of Love between the Mother and the Son” – BOH 27 

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