12 oct 2021 – The Celestial Queen listened to the Lessons of Jesus on the Divine Will

My son, my daughter,

I am not only the Bearer of Jesus.
I am also a spectator, listener of that which He does and says to souls.

“Do you believe, that I was not present to listen
to the so many lessons that my Dear Son made you on his Divine Will?

I was present, I listened, Word by Word, to that which He said to you.
And in every Word, I thanked my Son.
And I felt doubly glorified, that he spoke of the Reign
– that I already possessed,
– that has been all my fortune and the cause of the great Gift of my Son.

And in seeing Him speaking
I saw grafted the fortune of my children with mine.” (…)

“The Celestial Queen listened to the Lessons on the Divine Will” – BOH 34 –

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