11 oct 2021 – The Celestial Queen defends Jesus in the Sacramental Host

The Celestial Queens says :

“I must put his Life in security,  the great Gift that God entrusted me.
Therefore when He descends in hearts Sacramentally, I descend together with Him to defend Him.(…)

I am the Bearer of Jesus.  He doesn’t want to be without me.
So much so that when the Priest
is about to pronounce the Words of the Consecration over the Holy Host,
I make wings with my maternal hands

So He descends by means of my hands in order to consecrate Him.
So that if unworthy hands touch Him,  I make Him feel mine
– that defend Him and cover Him with my Love. ”

“The Celestial Queen defends Jesus in the Sacramental Host” – BOH 34 –

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