30th of sept 2021 – I will call the dead back to Life

“My son, my daughter,

My public Life symbolizes so much
the triumph of the Kingdom of my Fiat among creatures

With surprising Truths, I will make it known.
To achieve this, I will do miracles, prodigies.

With the Power of my Will,
– I will call the dead back to life.
– I will repeat the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus.

In spite of the fact
– that they have decomposed into evil
– that they have become a malodorous body like Lazarus,
my Fiat will call them back to Life.
It will stop the stench of sin, It will resurrect them in the Good.

In short, I will use all my divine Strategies
– so that my Will reigns among the people.”(…)

“I will call the dead back to Life.” – BOH 34 –

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