15 July 2021 – The Sanctity in my Will – a new Era

My daughter, my son,

in order to make Redemption come and to dispose souls for It,
– I made the promise of the future Messiah.
So that, by hoping for Him to come,
– they would not only dispose themselves,
– but find, they too, their own salvation in the future Redeemer.

Now, in order to dispose souls to live in my Will,
– to let them partake in the Goods It contains, and
– to make man return to the path of his Origin,
just as he was created by Me,

I Myself wanted to pray as the first
making my Voice resound from one end of the earth to another,
and even up high in Heaven, saying:
Our Father, who art in Heaven’. (…)

” The Sanctity in my Will – a new Era “- BOH 15

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