22 may 2021 – 2end sorrowful Mystery – The scourging of Jesus

“All of you who love Me,

come to learn the heroism of true love!
Come to dampen in my Blood  the thirst of your passions,
your thirst
–  for so many ambitions,
–  for so many intoxications and pleasures,
–  for so much sensuality!

In this Blood of Mine you will find the remedy
for all of your evils.”(…)

“My Father, may each blow of these scourges repair before You
– for each kind of sin – one by one.
And as they strike Me, let them justify those who commit them.

May these blows
– strike the hearts of creatures, and
– speak to them about my Love,
to the point of forcing them to surrender to Me.” (…)

The scourging of Jesus – the 24 Hours of the Passion – H16

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