13 nov 2021 – Remain in my Heart and love Me

“My child,

I have done nothing wrong, and I have done everything.
Mine is the crime of Love, which contains all sacrifices,
and Love is of immeasurable cost.

We are still at the beginning.
Remain in my Heart, observe everything, love Me, be silent, and learn.

Let your ice cold blood flow in my veins so as to refresh my Blood
which is all in flames.
Let your trembling flow within my limbs, so that, being identified with Me,
–  you may be strengthened and warmed in order to feel part of my pains,
–  and you may also acquire strength in seeing Me suffer so much.

This will be the most beautiful defense that you can give Me.
Be faithful to Me, and be attentive.”

Remain in my Heart and love Me” – The Passion H.11

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