10th of July 2021 – The Divine Will is hell for the devil

My daughter,  my son,

don’t you know that the thing which the infernal serpent
knows the least about Me is my Will? (…)

And if he does not know them, how can he speak of them?
Even more, the thing that he abhors the most is
that the creature does my Will. 

He does not care about whether the soul
–  prays, –  goes to Confession, –  receives Communion,
–  does penance or  – performs miracles

But the thing that harms him the most is that the soul does my Will.
In fact, as he rebelled against my Will, so was hell created in him
– his unhappy state, the rage that consumes him.
So, my Will is hell for him. (…)  And the more my Will is known,
the more tormented and furious he becomes. (…)

“The Divine Will is hell for the devil”- BOH16

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