26 may 2021 – 5th Sorrowful Mystery – The Death of Jesus -Sorrows of Mary

Luisa writes : ‘”I was doing the Hour of the Passion in which 
my sorrowful Mama received Her Son, dead,
into Her arms, and placed Him in the sepulcher

I said to her : ‘My Mama,
together with Jesus I place all souls into your arms,
that You may
– recognize them all as your children,
– inscribe them one by one into your Heart, and
– place them inside the Wounds of Jesus.

They are the children of your immense Sorrow
And this is enough for You to recognize them and love them.
And I want to place all generations in the Supreme Will,
– so that no one may be missing.

And in the name of all I give You comforts,
compassions and divine reliefs.”(…)

The Death of Jesus -Sorrows of Mary – BOH16

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