24 may 2021 – The Maternity of the Queen of Heaven


(…) all heaven prays,  awaits that the Divine Will be known and reigns.

And then the great Queen  will do to the children of my Volition
–  that which she did to her Jesus.
Her Maternity will have life in her children.

“I will surrender my Place in her maternal Heart to one who lives in my Volition.
She will raise them in Me,  she will guide their steps.
She will hide them in her Maternity and Sanctity.

One will see impressed in all their acts her maternal Love and her Sanctity
They will be her true Children, that will resemble Me in everything.(…)

One who wants to live in my Volition has a Queen and powerful Mother
– that will make up for that which they lack.
– who will raise them in her maternal womb.

In everything they will do, she will be together with them
– in order to model their acts to hers.

The Maternity of the Queen of Heaven – BOH 36

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