9 january 2021 – A death which gives life to our brothers.

My daughter , my Son,

I suffer death when my Will wants to operate some good in the creature
and if she turns her back to the Grace that I offer her.

If the creature is disposed to do that good,
-it is as if my Will multiplied another life.
if the creature is reluctant,
– it is as if my Will suffered a death.

if the creature is not in continuous act of doing my Will,
she receives as many deaths for as many times as she does not do It. (….)*

Look at how many deaths you suffer:
– each time you want Me and you do not find Me is a real death for you,
because you really do not see Me and do not feel Me.

This is death for you – it is martyrdom.
And that which is death for you can be life for others.”

” a death which  gives life to our brothers.” BOH 12

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